Yesterday saw the launch of my 'Coffee Run' in Church Stretton. If you're wondering what that is, it's a trail run in the Shropshire hills followed by coffee and cake... I mean, what's not to love!
I know I have spoken to a lot of people about running lately and in particular trail running and the barriers people have about doing it. Having the time over lockdown gave me some real time to reflect on my business and what changes I want to make long term. It helped me realise where my heart is with regards to fitness and how I can help give you the opportunities to try new things that you may be scared to do on your own.
Sorry I digressed a bit then, but I thought I would give a bit of back ground of how the Coffee Run came about.
So the idea behind the coffee run is to meet up once a month as a social run, not a coached running session, and to run to your ability, walk when you need to and no one will be left behind! It's aimed at helping you try trail running, find new routes around Church Stretton and even meet lots of new people. Oh and of course, a refuel after at Heather & Batch.
There will be a new route each month, between 3-6 miles, depending how the group feel at regular intervals we can extend or shorten as needed.
If you are worried about joining us, here's a review from my client who came along...
Around 2½ years ago I sat down and wrote a list of 50 things to do before my 50th birthday. Some of them were creative, some of them were active, some of them involved travel. I got started on that list, and did well, knocking off things like horse riding and open water swimming. I was looking forward to lots of travel this year to knock even more of them off my list and then lockdown happened, and I had to rethink my list.
I decided to rewrite the remaining items on my list and called on Emily, to help me come up with some ideas. The list is now 51 things to do before my 51st birthday. I’d already knocked 3 off the list in the last 4 weeks and on Saturday morning I drove to Church Stretton to join Emily and a group of other runners to knock another one off the list, Trail Running.
I had been planning on trail running right back at the beginning of the year and had bought trail shoes but picked up an injury just before lockdown and then didn’t get back to it during lockdown. So this social run was a perfect opportunity to pick that back up and discover whether I enjoyed it or not without having to try it on my own. Trail Running did NOT disappoint!
We gathered in the square at Church Stretton and once everyone had arrived we set off. I’m not the fastest runner, at all, but I never felt left behind, even when I was at the back down the steeper sections coming back down the hill. I always had Emily or another member of the group, either with me or within sight. The views from the top of the hill were worth every moment of effort on the way up, we ran when we could and walked when we needed to, and saw all sorts of sights on the way up, including the wild ponies.
When we made it back to the bottom we headed to a lovely café where we picked up cake and coffee to go and headed for some picnic benches where we could spread out and enjoy our reward at a safe social distance.
Did I enjoy Trail Running? Absolutely! Will I be doing it again? Hell yes, I need to figure out some routes closer to home and get going on them. Thanks Em!

The next run is planned for Saturday 24th October. Hopefully see you there!